It is highly recommended you for Windows and Turtle Beach Montego II Digital I/O Gameport Interface errors before installing any driver updates.

With the card, users can add enhancements such as delay, flange, chorus and change the pitch of music. The Turtle Beach Montego II Digital I/O Audio card also has a built-in multi track feature that enables user to record vocals, sounds of guitar plays, and other acoustic musical instruments while also playing MIDI tracks. The card also has other built-in enhancements that include an 18-bit digital sound recording capability, an S/PDIF sound digital interface, a Roland GS-compliant 64-voice synthesizer, a DLS-compatible sampling feature with a 64-voice capability, an MIDI interface that operates externally, as well as a host of other features that facilitate a professional level of recording. The Turtle Beach Montego II Digital I/O Audio card integrates various technologies including the MIDI or digital sound sequencer, a Digital Orchestrator with Pro TM technology, and a dominant Montego II sound card- all of which are synchronized to facilitate an easy-to-use environment. The card also has other built-in enhancements that include an 18-bit digital sound recording capability, an S/PDIF sound digital interface, a Roland GS-compliant 64-voice synthesizer, a DLS-compatible sampling. During driver update sessions, Windows must be backed up in order to check any system registry errors. The Turtle Beach Montego II Digital I/O Audio card integrates various technologies including the MIDI or digital sound sequencer, a Digital Orchestrator with Pro TM technology, and a dominant Montego II sound card- all of which are synchronized to facilitate an easy-to-use environment. Products overview, drivers downloads, customer support. IN/OUT/THRU via joystick port and optional cable (not supported)

Turtle Beach had recomended me to buy Montego II as a solution which made me pretty upset. Unfortunately the card does not work on motherboards with VIA KT7 chipset and some other boards (tested on Tomato and Via PII boards with the same result) since it is a permanent hardware conflict the drivers change will not help. This is the only version of sound card which is compatible with Windows 8. As per the description, it seems you are facing issues to finding Windows 8 drivers for Old Turtle Beach Montego A3DX Stream sound card. Turtle Beach brings you the ultimate in PCI audio technology with the Montego. It is tested on Asus P2/B motherboard with Intel´s BX chipset. Welcome to Microsoft community and thanks for posting the question. MONTEGO I A3D XTREAM SOUND CARD 64-VOICE PCI AUDIO ACCELERATOR 55.00. With advanced features such as high-speed bus-mastering scatter-gather PCI audio interface, Direct sound acceleration, 64 voice wavetable synthesis, Aureal 3D positional audio for realistic gaming effects, and hardware based full/duplex record/playback at full bandwidth is Turtle Beach Montego A3DXstream affordable computer sound card useful for home recordings and MIDI systems.